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2023 NAHREP President-Elect
Agent, Century 21 Americana
Titan of Hispanic Homeownership and Generational Wealth Creation: Nora Aguirre
Nora Aguirre is a real estate professional from Las Vegas who has specialized in buyer representation for over 20 years. During her career, she has successfully helped more than 3000 families achieve their dream of homeownership. In 2022, Nora ranked #1 in buyer transactions according to the NAHREP Top 250 list of the top Latino agents in America, and was named the #1 Team in Nevada for Century 21 in each of the last three years. Nora has been recognized as one of the top 25 most influential women in real estate by the National Association of Women for three years in a row. She currently serves as president-elect of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) and will ascend to the role of national president of NAHREP in March of 2024.

Nora journey into wealth was deeply influenced by her parents' example. She recounts, "I was able to see how my parents early on built a small financial security blanket with owning real estate while earning very little income due to their lack of education or the language." This early exposure laid the foundation for her own path. However, her journey took a turn when, despite earning well, she faced a setback in 2008. "I sent a lot and in 2008 lost everything I had earned and bought till that point," Nora reveals.

Learning from her parents' resilience, she adopted a more measured approach. "From that point forward, I saw how my parents stayed focused and steady without jeopardizing what they built by overleveraging themselves, so that became a big lesson for me," she reflects. Collaborating with her father and brother as partners, Nora embarked on rebuilding her wealth. "Today we have an investment portfolio of over 130 doors in multiple states along with my assets which have taken over a decade to build," she proudly states.

Her journey is peppered with lessons she's eager to share. "Stay in your lane, do not compare yourself to anyone," Nora advises. She emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation before indulging in luxuries and recommends investing in personal growth through books, training, and mentorship.

Reflecting on what she wishes she had known earlier, Nora emphasizes patience and the importance of mentorship. "Life is not a sprint, it is a marathon," she acknowledges. "Take your time building and do not feel the burden of arriving anywhere." Identifying mentors earlier would have eased her worries and accelerated her growth, she admits.
As for her wealth legacy, Nora's aspirations are deeply rooted in family and community. "I want my legacy to emphasize the importance of family and community," she asserts. "Ultimately, I aspire for my wealth legacy to be one of lasting impact, where the ripple effects of my efforts continue to enrich the lives of others for generations to come." Her commitment to fostering relationships and contributing to the prosperity of others underscores her vision for a meaningful legacy.
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