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Lexi Lopez: Shaping the Future of Real Estate and Community Empowerment
In the dynamic world of real estate, few professionals embody the spirit of innovation, dedication, and community empowerment as profoundly as Lexi Lopez. As a Senior Manager at Century 21 Real Estate LLC and a beacon within the Hispanic Wealth Project (HWP) and National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), Lexi has carved a niche for herself that transcends conventional boundaries. Her multifaceted role, coupled with her unwavering commitment to fostering financial literacy and sustainable homeownership, positions her as a pivotal figure in the Hispanic Wealth Project's mission to enrich communities.

Lexi's journey in the real estate sector is marked by her leadership in Awards & Recognition at Century 21 Real Estate LLC, where her expertise in enhancing broker and agent performance through meticulous tracking and customer satisfaction evaluation shines brightly. Yet, it's her role as a NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer and Ambassador that highlights her passion for financial education and her vision for a future where the Latino community thrives economically.

Her commitment extends beyond her professional endeavors. As a Board of Director member for Cornerstone Family Programs & Morristown Neighborhood House since 2021, Lexi contributes to the upliftment of diverse minority communities across Morris County, New Jersey. Her involvement in these organizations underscores her belief in the transformative power of community support and the importance of accessible education for all.

With over 27 years at Century 21 Real Estate LLC, Lexi has witnessed firsthand the evolution of the real estate industry and the increasing significance of social media and digital platforms in shaping market dynamics. Her experience as a Team Lead for the Social Media S.W.A.T. Team further exemplifies her adaptability and forward-thinking approach to real estate marketing and communication.

Lexi's educational background, with a degree in Accounting from Berkeley College, provides a solid foundation for her multifaceted career. Her certifications in leadership balance and diversity, and inclusion reflect her commitment to fostering inclusive environments where diverse perspectives are celebrated and leveraged for collective success.

How do you integrate your role as a NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer and Ambassador with your professional responsibilities at Century 21 to promote financial literacy and sustainable homeownership within the Latino community and vice versa?

Lexi: I like to look at different ways to incorporate my role as a NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer and Ambassador in my day-to-day professional role at CENTURY 21 Real Estate LLC on a corporate level. I serve the CENTURY 21® Brand as the Senior Manager of Awards & Recognition and my passion to motivate and inspire others to be the best they can be truly aligns with the messaging of the NAHREP 10 disciplines. For example, I hold several affiliate monthly training sessions on our quality service survey program, and I like to weave in discipline #2, Be in the Top 10% of your profession, because being good enough is not enough. I explain how obtaining reviews and ratings can help them grow their business and gain more referrals. I have also held several sessions with affiliates as a guest speaker to cover the topic of personal care and growth and I deliver the NAHREP 10 disciplines where the message is positively received by those in attendance!

In your work with Cornerstone Family Programs & Morristown Neighborhood House, what strategies do you find most effective in empowering minority communities through real estate and financial education?

Lexi: I serve the Cornerstone Family Programs and Morristown Neighborhood House as a Board of Directors member. It’s been an honor and a privilege serving on their board where I get to meet and learn from their program managers, directors, and associates on how the various programs serve the underserved minority communities. They offer several programs, such as daycare/aftercare, summer camps, sports programs, Senior Care, Stepping Team, financial education, and teen leader empowerment programs, just to name a few! It was important to me to serve on their board as I remember the days when they offered help to my family when my daughters were younger. Three of my four daughters attended their programs, like the summer camp and pre-k, and I recall the amazing teachers and the fun they had while attending there. They helped my family by providing a safe space for them to go to and for accommodating our financial status where other neighboring places would not. As a family, we always kept in mind on how we would pay back that organization and when the opportunity came up to serve on their board, I went for it! In evaluating the strategies that this organization implement, they have truly taken the time to understand the needs of the community they are serving, evaluating areas of opportunity for growth and that always comes back to having financial education and understanding of wealth building. I love the financial series program offered to young adults to help them prepare for their future when they become independent. They partner with local banks and other financial institutions to come in and share their careers and financial guidance so that the youth can be well equipped with the knowledge and mature understanding of finances.

The real estate industry is rapidly evolving with technological advancements. How do you stay ahead of these changes, and how do you see digital transformation impacting the future of real estate marketing and customer engagement?

Lexi: It’s been an amazing journey watching various technological advancements in the real estate industry. As I am answering this question, I’m thinking back to the time when real estate transactions were once reported on carbon copy paper, and now we have MLS and other various data gathering platforms to enter transactions, pull reports, and collect consumer data. I enjoy seeing real estate agents elevate their listings by posting video reels, interactive stories on Instagram and Facebook, or doing live showings on their social media platforms to engage with their network. For me personally, I just learn as I go and learn from others who pave the way. I’m more of a ‘go with the flow’ kind of person, learn something new and then make it my own. Platforms such as Canva, have really made it easier for people to create marketing materials in their own style that helps attract their customers. From a real estate marketing perspective, there will always be new platforms and programs to enhance digital creation. From a customer engagement perspective, communication has transformed in various ways, where we can connect via cell or email or virtual calls. But, in my opinion, that ‘in person’ to ‘in person’ connection will always be the best way to engage!

Can you discuss the importance of volunteering and social services in the context of your career? How has this shaped your approach to real estate and community engagement?

Lexi: Volunteering and social services have always been engrained in my life. My father served our church community as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, Bible teacher and catechist. My mother served as a social worker, serving largely the Hispanic families in the community. As a child, I learned from my parents at a very young age that having a caring and giving heart is what makes this world a better place. I grew up to be a lector and catechist as well, following some of my father’s footsteps. I’ve also followed in my mother’s footsteps, where watching her always give a listening ear to the youth and to seniors alike, to volunteering hours at events to help fundraise or help run collections for programs to serve the community. I have also found opportunities to volunteer of my time and give back to my communities through my workplace. I’ve enjoyed growing my career in a philanthropic environment, where as a company we have had volunteer days to help clean up campgrounds or community buildings for Easter Seals and participating in walk-a-thons. We also have an International Day of Giving where we encourage our affiliates to lend a helping hand in their own local communities. I also had the distinguished opportunity to serve as the Chairperson of the One Voz Hispanic & Latino ERG, 2017-2021, where I led the group in several fundraising activities for local charities, raise awareness, and engage with our surrounding communities. Being in real estate, even though I’m on the corporate side of it, I’ve seen firsthand the impact our efforts have made to the communities being served. Community engagement is where relationships and building of trust starts, and that’s key in our real estate business!

Looking forward, what are your goals for furthering the mission of NAHREP and the Hispanic Wealth Project? How do you envision your role evolving to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future real estate landscape?

Lexi: I was honored to be named a NAHREP 10 Ambassador in August 2023, where I’m able to help mentor and guide a team of NAHREP 10 Certified Trainers to continue to share the disciplines and impact their communities. One of my goals this year is to continue to lead this group of amazing people, encouraging, and motivating them to be the best they can be and to be creative in the ways they deliver the disciplines. I want them to think outside the box and look for opportunities that maybe they never thought of before! Another goal of mine is to inspire others to become NAHREP 10 Certified Trainers and expand our trainer network. We need more trainers in the field so we can continue to empower our communities with these life changing guidelines to help them lead more fruitful lives and truly leave a legacy for their families. I am truly blessed to have this role where I hope to leave an imprint on people, on families, on future generations, with these guidelines where they will implement in their lives, where they will use this knowledge to be wealth builders and investors!

Lexi Lopez's story is a testament to the power of dedication, education, and community service. Through her work, she not only shapes the future of the real estate industry but also fosters an environment where communities can thrive and achieve financial independence. As Lexi continues to inspire and lead, her impact will undoubtedly pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future in real estate and beyond.
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