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How Rubi Velazquez is Pioneering Financial Freedom

Rubi Velazquez, CEO of MRV Financial, embodies the essence of community and financial empowerment in Plainfield, IL. Her journey from settling in Plainfield in 2006 to becoming a beacon of hope and clarity for many showcases her profound commitment to uplifting her community. Velazquez’s passion for finance is not just a profession; it’s a mission to enrich lives, guiding others to financial freedom with a personalized, goal-oriented approach.

At the heart of Velazquez’s ethos is her belief in the transformative power of financial advice. As a financial advisor and investor, she offers more than just access to investment vehicles; she offers a pathway to achieving dreams through strategic financial planning. Her methodical approach involves drafting customized plans that align with individual goals, ensuring that every client is on a tailored journey towards their version of financial success.

Velazquez’s educational background and credentials are as impressive as her vision. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) candidate with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a master’s degree in accounting and financial management from Keller Graduate School of Management, her expertise is well-founded. Additionally, her licensure in various financial sectors underscores her comprehensive approach to financial advising.

Her services range from financial planning for life's significant events, like paying for college and buying a home, to intricate tax services for individuals and businesses. Velazquez also extends her expertise to essential business services, including registration and bookkeeping, demonstrating her all-encompassing support for financial health.
As a NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer, Velazquez is not just a financial advisor, but a community leader committed to bridging the wealth gap. Her role extends beyond personal financial success; it's about lifting the entire community, one financial plan at a time.

In recognition of her contributions, Velazquez has been selected as NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer of the Month, a testament to her dedication to empowering communities through financial literacy and services. Her work is a beacon of hope and a roadmap to financial stability and wealth-building, not just for the Latino community but for anyone aspiring to achieve financial freedom.

How do you tailor financial plans to individual needs, and what’s your process for ensuring these plans align with their long-term goals?

Rubi: Through an interview process we gather data from clients, along with short- and long-term goals. We compare the past with the future allowing us to go back into today’s contribution or activities to be performed to achieve a specific target. We do yearly check-ins, or as needed based on the client's situation, until the goal is achieved. We may implement, investing, budgeting, forecasting, incorporating our systems applications.

With your extensive background in finance and accounting, how do you leverage this expertise to address the unique financial challenges faced by the Latino community?

Rubi: I provide daily education through seminars, in person and virtual meetings. I enjoy talking to specific groups of people to cover a large area which affects the group, i.e. Real Estate Investors. I noticed early on in my career; education is in shortage, while it is at our fingertips, we are on info overload, and having the wisdom behind it makes a difference. I take my time to utilize my skill sets as a finance and accounting representative to be able to provide a higher-level viewpoint for the client to be able to hone in to the details. While implementing action plans with accountability.

Can you share a success story where your financial advice significantly impacted a client or family’s journey towards financial freedom?

Rubi: Love this question.

About a year ago, I started to process ITIN Renewal applications in a higher volume. As I started it was the same sad to repeat story, education is also in shortage, and in the US, the laws are enforced which can be difficult for some to understand as they begin to grow financially.

Since then, I have been able to help families purchase their first homes or invest in vehicles in real estate to continue growing. This leap is definitely one which hit a soft spot for me to see the faith and hope in their eyes. This last time in DC when I sat with the house representative, I was able to speak on their behalf with the tax code. Not something a year ago, I saw myself doing.

In your opinion, what are the most critical financial instruments or strategies that families should consider for wealth-building in today’s economy?

Rubi: A diversity in vehicles having a mixture of: Bonds, Stocks, and Hard assets. Take an investor assessment test to identify your risk tolerance (seek the assistance of your financial advisor.)
  • Bonds protect your principal.
  • Stocks – increase your short-term gain.
  • Hard Assets – increase your long-term gain.

How do you envision the role of financial advisors evolving to meet the needs of increasingly diverse communities, especially with the rapid changes in the financial landscape?

Rubi: Actively seeking to provide value. Staying up to date with all the financial vehicles available, not staying stagnant just to the vehicles offered by their own firms, but to compare to others. With the technology at our fingertips, it is very easy to order without assistance, staying up to date with the changes will allow advisors to provide better customer service. With Latino’s being a significant number in the current census, properly addressing clients in their own language will be a big positive change to consider learning. There is nothing like talking to someone in your native language.

Rubi Velazquez exemplifies the power of financial knowledge and community service, forging paths toward stability and growth. Her journey, marked by dedication and expertise, inspires many to navigate their financial landscapes with confidence. As we celebrate her achievements, we look forward to the continued impact of her work in empowering individuals and enriching communities.
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