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How Keybe is Transforming Customer Interaction with AI-Driven Empathy and Innovation

From the bustling city of Medellín, Samuel Urquijo, CEO and Founder of Keybe, is revolutionizing how businesses interact with their customers through innovative AI technology. Driven by his passion for disruptive technologies and their transformative power, Samuel embarked on his entrepreneurial journey in 2017. With a diverse background in both the private and public sectors, Samuel brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to his mission of improving quality of life and fostering prosperity through technology.

Keybe: Transforming Customer Interaction
Founded in January 2020, Keybe tackles the pervasive challenge of disorganized customer data and the complexities of manual CRM processes. The AI-powered platform enhances sales team performance by automating contact creation and opportunity management. This innovation saves businesses up to 40% of time in the first month alone and significantly boosts empathy between brands and their customers through data-driven insights.

Recognized by Forbes Colombia as one of the 30 Promises of Business for 2023, Keybe stands out for its ability to interpret customer sentiments and provide actionable insights. This not only creates a seamless and personalized customer experience but also democratizes access to capital by streamlining the sales process. By merging data from multiple systems and utilizing proprietary AI, Keybe eliminates operational bottlenecks, increases conversion rates, and augments the capacity of sales teams. This, in turn, reduces revenue loss and empowers businesses to scale more effectively.

Keybe’s Vision and Mission
Keybe's mission goes beyond mere efficiency. The company's manifesto highlights its commitment to transforming society through empathy and optimism. Keybe's team believes in the power of combining natural and artificial intelligence to create opportunities unimaginable to previous generations. They strive to push creativity to its limits, balancing nature and technology to unleash true human potential.

Key Features of Keybe’s Platform
Keybe's AI-driven CRM platform offers a multitude of features designed to enhance business efficiency while maintaining the human touch:

  • Advanced Message Responses with Gen-AI and Deep Learning: Keybe's AI assistant, Biky, can handle over 120 chats per day, interpret and generate audio responses, and understand context to provide relevant answers, ensuring 24/7 availability and increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Automated Scheduling and Reminders: Streamlining appointment scheduling and reminders to save time and improve customer engagement.
  • Sales Assistance: Boosting sales team efficiency with data-driven insights and automation.
  • Data Enrichment and Sentiment Analysis: Providing a 360-degree view of each customer by enriching data and analyzing sentiments to tailor interactions and improve customer experiences.

Real-world Impact
Keybe's impact is evident in the success stories of its clients. For instance, Óptica Santa Lucía increased digital sales by 70% in the first year, and KTM Dismerca’s digital sales surpassed physical store sales thanks to Keybe’s omnichannel capabilities. By automating repetitive tasks and providing actionable insights, Keybe empowers businesses to focus on high-value tasks that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

A Glimpse into the Future
Samuel envisions a future where technology continues to break down barriers and create opportunities for growth. His work with Keybe reflects a commitment to empathy, innovation, and the human touch, ensuring that technology serves as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, human capabilities.

By improving business efficiency and fostering personalized interactions, Keybe contributes to a more equitable and prosperous future for businesses and their customers alike.
Facing the mortgage industry's challenges head-on, what were some significant obstacles you encountered while developing The Rate Verifier™, and how did you overcome them?

Eddie: The most significant obstacle when building from Zero to One is knowing what the future looks like, but being unsure if the steps we’re taking today are actually the ones that are going to get us there. I’ve overcome some of these by seeking mentorship. I literally wrote, “I’m looking for a mentor” with a Sharpie on a tee shirt I wore to a networking event in Silicon Valley, and I learned from them to have strong beliefs but to hold them loosely. Having that mindset shift has helped a ton!

How does The Rate Verifier™ empower homebuyers, and what role do you see it playing in the future of home buying?

Eddie: The Rate Verifier™ empowers homebuyers through a mortgage inspection report that tells them what terms they should be requesting from the mortgage lender they want to work with. We don’t advertise lenders on our platform. We believe this will change the future of home buying because it eliminates the hassle homebuyers have to go through today of shopping for a mortgage and guarantees they receive the best terms.
With your deep understanding of the mortgage process's complexities, how do you envision technology continuing to transform this industry?

Eddie: The mortgage industry as we know it today was born from the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. Right now, the industry is very much a 14-year-old, and technology is a toy helping it imagine a brighter future that its parents don’t let it play with. I believe technology will help the top producers and those who care about delivering an extraordinary experience to a homebuyer but hurt those who have treated their homebuyers like a transaction. Technology will reduce the cost of originating a mortgage loan significantly and will help the great loan officers scale to capture more business.

Reflecting on your journey and the impact of your work, what advice would you give to other entrepreneurs aiming to innovate within their sectors?

Eddie: I would tell entrepreneurs aiming to innovate to have faith in themselves and allow their intuition to guide them. Life begins at the edge of your limit; if you don’t cross it, you’ll just be living the same day over and over again.

How do you balance your professional responsibilities with your family life, and how has this balance contributed to your achievements?

Eddie: Two years ago today, I didn't believe in the concept of "balance." I believed in sprinting towards my next objective as fast as possible and anything that "slowed" me down, I delegated. I learned this in an extreme coaching program. It served me well, in business, but not so much as a new dad. I was taught that preparing a meal for my kids, changing diapers, and many other such things was something I could pay others to do. At the time, I had a 2-year-old, a 1-year-old and had yet to change a diaper. Over the next couple of months, there were a series of events that forced me to slow down and stop. Still, for the first time in a long time, I began to pay close attention to my surroundings. They seemed familiar, and I realized I'd been going full speed in LOOPS, year after year accumulating money to "leave a legacy.”

A few days after that, I found myself with my dad in Sedona, Arizona, when he said, “true legacy is not built in a single lifetime. Look at these rock formations, they are millions of years old, built layer on top of layer, on top of layer, each a stepping stone for the next to grow and today be this beautiful masterpiece.”

That day, the word “balance” entered my vocabulary. I learned that I must pace myself to ensure my daughters are not just spectators but active participants in building our families’ own masterpiece if we want it to withstand the test of time, as the rock formations in Sedona had.

Today, my wife and daughters are part of everything I do and I’m excited for the day I get to be a dad again so that in balance I can enjoy every piece of the journey I missed with my first two.
Eddie Gomez exemplifies turning personal success into a tool for widespread change. His innovative spirit and commitment to financial empowerment continue to inspire many, making him a leading figure in the quest for a more equitable future in homeownership and beyond.
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